Grand Prize Winner - iFootage Creative Video Competition 2019
In May of 2019 I released a short film called Lost in Static that I made with a bunch of friends of mine. It was amazing to see so many people come together to make this film possible. I submitted this film to the iFootage Creative Video Competition with no expectations and it ended up winning the grand prize!
You can watch the film below if you haven’t seen it yet!
I got a call from the people at iFootage telling me that my film was being considered for the grand prize and invited me out to China to attend the awards ceremony at their expense! The only problem was that the awards ceremony was less than two weeks away and I needed to get a visa to enter China. After a long process of trying to get my visa expedited, I was eventually rejected because I work in media and there wasn’t enough time to schedule an in person interview before I would have to leave.
They were very understanding of my situation and told me that I could video conference into the awards ceremony where they told me I was the grand prize winner of the competition!
Although I wish I could have been there to accept the award and the prize package, it was still an honor to win and be invited to participate in their ceremony. Here is what iFootage had to say about it.
'Zach Daulton' who took first prize with his beautiful and atmospheric short video: 'Lost in Static'. A supremely talented American storyteller and Director, Zach is undoubtedly a most worthy winner. We sincerely hope that $24,000 of video equipment will support him further still in his career as a professional filmmaker.
Although there wasn’t a cash prize, there was a TON of great gear from some incredible sponsors. I can’t wait to play with all this stuff as soon as I figure out how to get it into the country!
Prize package from iFootage.
If you’re interested in finding out more about the process, check out this behind the scenes video made for the film!